Tuesday, December 22, 2009

how would u think

when im on a date in my head i say omg what is he thinking how dose he want me to act what am i doing wrong is he saying in his head eww why did i come on this date

in the boys head he probably like what is she thinking am i doing every thing right am i acting nice should i ask a question what if i ask the wrong question what if i say some thing wrong omg what should i do

ifu have more ideas comment this blog and ill add ur ideas

Monday, December 21, 2009

dare to date

are u scared to date are u scared to kiss are u scared to love are u scared to hold some one in ur arms are u scared to be with some one are u scared of what he is thinkig are u scared of what to say are u scared to have kids?? areu scared to be married are u scared to say to i dO are u scared to say the truth if u lie

some one whO takes your breath away

some one who takes your breath away is the one whO is going to be there through every thing the one who will love you the one who cared for you for a long time with outt saying anything one who never lied to you one who could say i love you the one who will be there no matter whatt happens some one who i love

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

people who have problems in africa

Kids were asked: What kinds of problems do people in Africa have?

this is what I'm saying:

The kids in Africa dont have many of the things we have. In many areas in africa,kids dont have clean water to drink. They dont have money to cure many of there sicknesses. They have little education. Some kids in africa, dont have proper clothes on thier backs. they don't have freedem other children. Some kids are 9 years old taking care of there mothers because there parents are to sick. The children have to be the adult. i think that's not fair at all. some of the children in Africa cant be able to do nothing have nothing and eat nothing

i think in my own eyes everybody who cares should get together and do some thing about it i think we should send them food clothes school books anything that we don't use

if u think we should do the same comment this post and ill write u back to see when we could start

what makes a gOOd kisser

a gOOd kiss is when u kissinq some one an they are smelling good and they kiss your soft lips a gOOd kisser is when u hold sOme body in ur arms and kiss them idk wattt else but if i have ideas leave a comment.....

thiiss iiss what des left ....

hi wife . i got an idea a good kisser can be some1 that makes you imagine and daydream about a happy place when your with them and with a touch of their lips they will leave you wanting more

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

new moOn

i dont think edward is hurting bella when he has to do what he is doing to keep her safe he is trying to protect her from the harm in that place he is trying to protect her from the wolf-boys but to me jake is not hurting her to me they make the cutest cupple and they so cute together

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


i feel like every thing is crashing down on me i feel like all my hard work is being dumb i think every thing should not be that way