Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Beak up - not trust worthy

Dear Deejay ,
um well i dont know how to tell you this but i think its time we separated because you cant trust me and your always looking thro my phone and my things and i dont like that i think its so childish if i was going to cheat on you i would of just broke up with you whats the whole point of being in a realationship if we just gunna be cheating on each other , but now that i feel we have no limts and you want everything your way i think its time we took a break until you realize that my phone is personal and i wouldnt look through your phone even if somebody paid me to -____- so im sorry but next time make smarter choices i know you prolly thought i was cheating on you but i wasnt and im not but now it doesnt matter we ahint together any more ;

LOVE , Aliciaa