Wednesday, February 2, 2011


why do people judge people b|c what they are there skin color or there race or there body type or like if they like the same gender or if they wear different clothes then others how come people cant just like them the way they are ? how come people have alot to say when it isnt there own body . people dont have the right to judge anything b|c god wouldnt like that god says that nobody is allowed to judge expect for him . so for who ever wants to be them self stand tall dont worry about what other people think or say or how they look at uu or re-act to what or who u are .


lahana said...

You're absolutely right. People should be able to live in the way they want as long as they're not hurting other people. So do you have an answer to your question? Why do people judge other people? Is it that they're insecure? Is it human nature? Is it jealousy? Do we hate what we don't understand?